Monday, September 10, 2007
Stranglehold demo
The closest thing you get to Max Payne in nextgen...

So the demo has been out a while on Xbox-live. The game is a "spiritual sequel" to the movie "Hard Boiled", where Inspector Tequila battles crimelords/bosses in Chicago and Hong Kong and struggling to "balance his duty to uphold the law while doing what it takes to save his family." Which basicly translates to leave no enemy breathing. The demo is tons of fun but its really repetative. I dont know what I expected but some variaity was actully missing. Like a protect the v.i.p. mode/mission, protect the bystanders or something.

Graphicly it looks very good. Offcourse its good, its powerd by the Unreal engine.
While most games now days brags about the destrucability factor in their game and squirt out sayings like "This game is pushing the limits for stuff you can damage/everything you see is destructible" and its always a huge letdown when you find out that the pillar you are shooting at breaks in 2 pices and falls thru the floor. Well, fear not. Stranglehold has incredible destruction. Quite possible the best so far and is a true benchmark for future games and consoles. Almost to much at times. Though it is perfectly fitting for the "over the top" John woo type, it does have a drawback. One bullet can just as easily destroy marmoreal statues as it does with, say for instance, cardbordboxes. Shouldent it be more like ten bullets for statue and one for wood? Its like everything is made out of butter. I also have a think that the higlighted "shoot_here_and_watch_this_sign_fall_down_and_crush_some_goons" signs should have been toned down a bit. It would have been much more effective if you almost hit the signs by accident and yelled out. "holy cow.. did that just happen?".Another thing is that it takes a while to get to know the controls. Especially the bulletti... cough "Tequila-time" (as it is so fittingly named). I cant remember how it played you in Max Payne but it was never a issue. Here I found it troublesome at times to enter bullet-time and controling it in order to achive the desired effect. This however did not stop me from playing the demo 5-7 times.
Ile give it a more thorough walktrough when the games hits the shelfs
And to end it all, a funny racist joke =d

So the demo has been out a while on Xbox-live. The game is a "spiritual sequel" to the movie "Hard Boiled", where Inspector Tequila battles crimelords/bosses in Chicago and Hong Kong and struggling to "balance his duty to uphold the law while doing what it takes to save his family." Which basicly translates to leave no enemy breathing. The demo is tons of fun but its really repetative. I dont know what I expected but some variaity was actully missing. Like a protect the v.i.p. mode/mission, protect the bystanders or something.

Graphicly it looks very good. Offcourse its good, its powerd by the Unreal engine.
While most games now days brags about the destrucability factor in their game and squirt out sayings like "This game is pushing the limits for stuff you can damage/everything you see is destructible" and its always a huge letdown when you find out that the pillar you are shooting at breaks in 2 pices and falls thru the floor. Well, fear not. Stranglehold has incredible destruction. Quite possible the best so far and is a true benchmark for future games and consoles. Almost to much at times. Though it is perfectly fitting for the "over the top" John woo type, it does have a drawback. One bullet can just as easily destroy marmoreal statues as it does with, say for instance, cardbordboxes. Shouldent it be more like ten bullets for statue and one for wood? Its like everything is made out of butter. I also have a think that the higlighted "shoot_here_and_watch_this_sign_fall_down_and_crush_some_goons" signs should have been toned down a bit. It would have been much more effective if you almost hit the signs by accident and yelled out. "holy cow.. did that just happen?".Another thing is that it takes a while to get to know the controls. Especially the bulletti... cough "Tequila-time" (as it is so fittingly named). I cant remember how it played you in Max Payne but it was never a issue. Here I found it troublesome at times to enter bullet-time and controling it in order to achive the desired effect. This however did not stop me from playing the demo 5-7 times.
Ile give it a more thorough walktrough when the games hits the shelfs
And to end it all, a funny racist joke =d

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