Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tricks are for kids

As much as I was disappoint in the last Force Unleashed game, I'm gonna check out the sequel thats comming soon. The game had some nifty details, decent story and looked good, but was to arcadeic and platform-orientated. The combat was worse. Treating the lightsaber as a mere meele weapon is a cheap game-designer trick for grinding and adding "playtime" to your game. Batman Archam Asylum had the same tactic but at least there the combat flowed smooth and was skill-orientated and at least fun!


The reason for this post is that I recently became aware of a special edition of the Force Unleashed 2. Its gotten the whole deluxe packing with a slick presentation and Artbook. Thats well and fine but its the preorder bonus that annoys me. It comes with a skin and a "crystal" that makes your force powers not drain that fast..

Really.. Thats it? Ive worked with characters and adding a new skin/texture is not that hard, nor is it that time consuming. Im not saying that it has to be. But I feel like a extremely cheap trick. And adding to the insult is a "force-power-crystal". This is a simple input command into the game. I mean. Its just a bit too simple for it to be a preorder bonus. Why not go all out and add a new character. Not just skin, but new moves and some new levels for him/her. I realize that the rest of the gamers that dosent preorder gets angry, but most company`s release the preorder bonus later for a small fee anyway.

There is so much potential!

Im just saying. Treat your gamers! Make them really want to preorder the game!
Im gonna play some Jedi Knight Outcast in the meantime... At least there you can cut of limbs!


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