Monday, April 05, 2010
Freaking Nolan North!

Who? No, he`s not a pornstar..
You might not know his slightly skinnier "Seth Macfarlane mug" from this single photo alone (unless you watch "Port Charles" or "General Hospital") but if you have played any big game the last two years his voice is highly recognizable.
He`s mostly know for the Uncharted series but he`s also been the voice star of Assassins creed, Army of Two, The Saboteur, Dragon Age, HALO ODST, Red Faction Guerrilla, Gears of War 2 and Prince of Persia... Complete list here
It was when I started playing Dark Void that my mind started to recognize his voice. I thought to myself that the main character of Dark Void (who`s name slipped my mind and aren't particularly interesting) looked an awfully lot like Nathan Drake in both modeling and volume wise. Although a bit more cartoony. I thought to myself: My god, even the characters are starting to look like each other in todays games.. First it was the brown/gray, overly parallax mapped environments, now this? Whats next? Will they use the same voice actors also?
And then the character spoke......
Ile admit that it did take couple of minutes before I recognized his voice.. but once it clicked, a flash of characters rushed before me.

Me beef is not with him (although I do want to send him to a "Just Say NO" - course) plus having the same character in a huge blockbuster AAA game in your small production do cast a little light on the product and is not a totally new concept. Just look at Ron Pearlman, Dennis Hopper, Ben Kinglsy, Udo Kier! HECK, any Uwe Boll movie!
My main beef is with producers of the games. Don't they realize that they undermine the players and their own games by doing such a dick move? It breaks the illusion that thousand of artists creates and gamers experience!
I'm pretty sure getting a good voice actor is nothing if not a daunting assignment and therefore its pretty tempting to just go with a guy hows already got a long run of voice-acting but the same dude for several MAIN characters?
I'm slightly disappointed and more offended, but then again the gaming suits couldn't care less about that..
I just wanted to make sure more people got the news... Now if you will excuse me, Ile play some Just cause 2.. At least there the dialogue is so overplyed and terrible that Ile forget about Nathan... At least until Uncharted 3 comes out..
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