Monday, June 22, 2009
First Look: Tim Burton's "Wonderland"

The USA Today article (where the images premiered) confirms that the movie is kinda like a sequel. The film begins at a party where Alice, now the age of 17, finds out that she is about to be proposed to in front of hundreds of snooty high society types. She makes a run for it, and of course ends up following a white rabbit down a hole, back to Wonderland — a place where she visited a decade prior. The White Rabbit is convinced that he has the right girl but Alice doesn’t remember her past visit to Wonderland. The creatures of Wonderland are ready to revolt and are hoping/waiting for Alice to help them, but will she? Can she?
Burton gave us a tons of Oompa Loompas in 2005’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and a grief-wracked demon-barber in 2007’s Sweeney Todd. Now one of Hollywood’s most visually creative directors layers his own surreal sensibilities upon the fanciful world of Lewis Carroll in Disney’s "Alice in Wonderland", due in theaters on March 5, 2010. This first look at some of the concept art for the film suggests there is the usual Burton dark magic afoot.

Its all very much like "Hook" with Robin Williams where Robin plays a old version of Peter Pan and is forced back to Neverland to help the kids beat Mr hook. This movie also featured a more gritty and surreal take on the classics.. Well, It will be worth it just to see what twisted creations Burton comes up with and how Depps character "The mad hatter" will sound like.. =D
This is the closest we will come to a movie version of the still great American Mcgee's Alice video game (released by Rogue Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts 2000) that depicted suicidal and catatonic Alice and "Wonderland" as a true dip in horror, discomfort, acid and true grittiness..

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