Thursday, January 03, 2008
Game review: Crysis

Set in 2020, Crysis plot follows Lieutenant Jake Dunn, codenamed "Nomad", is sent in to investigate an alien meteor crash, you must fight through the North Korean Army which has also arrived. You must also fight aliens.
First things first. This is Far Cry with better graphichs. And in order to really benefit from the game you must crack open your piggy bank and invest in a decent gaming rig. I have the requiered PC specs on my new computer and I could run it at medium with the occasional lag when the shit hit the fan. It got so bad sometimes that I had to put the settings to low just to get through the level. So In order to get the most out of this game you really need a beefy computer. Yeah, the game has some new gadgets but its not really anything revolutionary. The story is not really worth mentioning but I can sum it up like this: Your a dude, who has to save an bunch of scientist dudes from evil korean dudes, and sometimes there are alien dudes trying to ruin your life.. Thats really it. You do nothing but shoot other people. And those you cant kill means they are friendly. You cant go wrong.

There are some driving missions and you can always hijack a car or two. I used to do this alot and damage the vehicle so its about 95% damage when I come flying trough the wall of a enemy base. Bail out and put a bullet in the fueltank. Big badda boom.. They also get you from place to place but I found driving really acward and the vehicle physics are really quite frustrating. A little bumb from a leaf and I am already on my way up to 30% damage. plus you must for the most part stick to the road. If you go exploring your car is only going to get stuck on some pebbles and catch fire.
You are taking of on foot for the most part and while the area you have at your disposal is huge, not all is **acsessable**. I often got stuck on hillsides when the game though I had enough and wouldent let me get higher. This became a big problem since the game is suppose to be free-roaming and here I am getting stuck on 70`degree hills

You have a suit on you at all times that gives you four "powers". These are. Strength (makes you strong and you jump higher and throw/punch harder) Speed (making you faster for a short period of time) Shield (does what it says. Gives you a little more resistance) and Stealth (Makes you invisible for a short time) Speed and stealth was a huge part of my tactics and they made it way to easy since you are virtualy invisible to you opponents even if you go right up in their face. The enemys should have had some sort of disrupter with them or they could have just sprayed bullets around since one hit makes you loose the camo.
Punching through buildings and people are really fun and here the phycics really show of their true potential as you throw barrels and chairs around you

You also have a fifth "power" This one takes you to your weapons for a customizing meny. Putting silencers, scope and laser on your shotgun should be in every game. *slams table* Here you can also switch ammo types and such
The enemys AI is good. They do the standard flanking, throwing nades and runnig away and occasionaly sneak up on you. Something I found weird in this game was that the enemy dident have a clearly visable hit animation. They just twitched when hit. Adding some "hurt" animations, like holding their neck, hands, leg or stomach would have greatly helped the immersion and realisme in the game. Same with the animation when you grab a enemy could have been done better I think. He should be kicking and screaming, not just stare into the infinite abyss exepting his demise. Fighting the aliens was a bit anticlimatic in my opinion as you had to grab and punch them. The words "Now thats what I call a close enounter" or "Welcome to earth" came to mind as well as a sea of other equally bad pun-lines.
Crysis contains a Sandbox Editor, much like Far Cry's, in which new levels can be created and edited. Such levels will have full support in all multiplayer modes. This will allow the player to easily build their own levels, seeing everything in real time within the editor. The player can also jump into the map they are working on at any time to test it. The editor will be the same one that was used by Crytek team to create the game.
I did not play the multiplayer part. I heard its good and Im going with that notion and so should you.

Crysis continues the Crytech teams succsses of making high-end games and inovating graphics. Its with out a doubt the most beautiful game to hit the marked so far. Its graphics are simply the best yet for a FPS and are truely breathtaking. The story is above standard and have some epic and true gaming moments. The only downer on this is that you have to have a behemoth of a machine inorder to play on full settings and truely get the Crysis experience.
PS: (spoiler) I did not finish the last segment of the last level due to a huge bug in scripting. The second boss was stuck inbetween the hangarships upper level (flight deck) and lower level (a storage room) I tried again and again and slowely but surely I got ahead to fight the big boss. But again my gaming experience was tamperd with since the rockets I fired at him did not register. I ended up with having to watch the ending on youtube.
Labels: Game review
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