Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Orange box in a couple of hours!

Ohh yes.. Its been quite a wait but soon the orange box will be mine. What is the orange box? gasp! shock! awe!
Well, the Orange Box includes the original Half Life 2 game, Episodes One and Two, Team Fortress 2, and an additional single-player game called Portal.
The game Im most exited about is Portal. I will of course play episode 2 and TF2 as well, but Ive been playing the TF2 Beta for quite some time now. But it is portal that I find the most interesting. Since its premise is so groundbreaking.
"Players must solve physical puzzles and challenges by opening portals to maneuvering objects, and themselves, through space."
Its a solve`em up type of game. No killing, no bosses, no storyline. Its just you and you gravity gun and a whole lot of puzzles. YAY!
So in two hours its go time! Then steam will opens its grip on the games and they shall pour into my hardrive and keep me awake!
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