Monday, September 18, 2006
A glimpse of a next-gen Starwars *almost*
Lucasart finaly gave out some new consept snippets of the new upcoming "jedi knight" game thats due for ps3 (and quite possibly 360 as well) Entitled "Jedi knight: Force unleashed"... Im am just super-psyched about this game and its really nais to see that Lucasarts and ILM are working so close together and bringing the games up to movie type standards. I cant tell you how much jedi knight (jedi knight, jedi outcast and jedi academy) Ive played them to death (both singel and mp) and really loving them but still a bit sadent that they where using good`ol quake3 engine. Well times are changing for this truely looks like a new page in the genere.

Pre-vis trailer *Btw, this is not ingame. Its only like the style and playbility that they imagine the final product should have. *Fingers crossed*
Inside the Star Wars Pre-Vis

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