Thursday, November 23, 2006
Heres a new poster from the upcomming movie from the Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost who made the rom zom com "Shaun of the dead" and "Spaced" (Booth highly recommended) Looks so good!! Its out 16/02/07 in the UK

If you havent check out the teasers:
Here a pic that I ripped of the main site and made into a deskop. Its nais!

If you havent check out the teasers:
Here a pic that I ripped of the main site and made into a deskop. Its nais!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Spiderman 3 trailer!
New Simpsons trailer
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Bee movie
Monday, November 06, 2006
Behind the fountain

Wired magazine has written an amazing article about the trials and tribulations of bringing Darren Aronofskys (π, Requiem for a Dream) new movie "The fountain" to the big screen. Well worth a read.
Click here to read "BEHIND THE FOUNTAIN"
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