Monday, October 30, 2006
Trailer: Smokin Aces
WOW... action galore!

Look like its a lot of bullets trading owners and followd by some really charismatic (and colorful) hitmen.. + It looks like it doesent take it self to seriosly. Im not a Ben Affleck kinda guy, but Im actully looking forward to seeing him in this "dark action-comedy". Its even got Jason Bateman (arrested development) and Alicia Keys?!?. Could be fun. =d

Look like its a lot of bullets trading owners and followd by some really charismatic (and colorful) hitmen.. + It looks like it doesent take it self to seriosly. Im not a Ben Affleck kinda guy, but Im actully looking forward to seeing him in this "dark action-comedy". Its even got Jason Bateman (arrested development) and Alicia Keys?!?. Could be fun. =d
Monday, October 23, 2006
2 Hot Fuzz-teasers online!

Watch them online now:
This looks so brilliant! Cant wait!!
Zodiac poster
David Finchers (SE7EN, Fight club, The game, Panic room) new movie is about the notorius Zodiac serial killer that is responsible for deaths of at least 37 peoples in San Francisco between the 60`s and 70`s

New short from Blur studios

The new short movie starring Ice Age sidekick. Scrat discovers a time machine.
Watch it here:
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Grindhouse trailer!
Our first look at the new movie from Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez
Two full length feature horror movies written by Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez put together as a two film features. Including fake movie trailers in between both movies

Looks like instant cult status. =d
Two full length feature horror movies written by Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez put together as a two film features. Including fake movie trailers in between both movies

Looks like instant cult status. =d
The nightmare before christmas in 3d!
Well, its not really in 3d, its more like they kept the old movie but have put the figures, scenes and objects in layers in order to give you that old school "3d glasses" feel to it.
Get it at
I find it hard to see the difference between the original and the "new" version. Oh well, as long as they dident make the entire movie in 3d, Im happy.
Get it at
I find it hard to see the difference between the original and the "new" version. Oh well, as long as they dident make the entire movie in 3d, Im happy.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Quixote Resurrected!!

Director Terry Gilliam is beloved by genre fans for films like Brazil, 12 Monkeys, and Time Bandits, but his pictures are often - and famously - plagued by production troubles. Never was that more true than with his doomed The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, the film that notoriously never came to be but the troubled and incomplete production of which was portrayed in the popular 2002 documentary Lost in La Mancha. Now, however, Gilliam says that he is on the verge of resurrecting the long thought dead project.
"We're in the final stages of getting the rights to Quixote back," the director told IGN earlier today. "I mean, I've been hearing this for the past six months, and I'm getting a bit impatient. But when we get that back, that would be the thing I would just dive in [on]. First thing I would do is make one phone call: 'Johnny, when are you available?' And that would dictate when I do it."
The Johnny in question is, of course, Johnny Depp, the planned star of the first version of Quixote. Gilliam says that the actor is still onboard the film. "He's on, he's on," the director said, before adding with a laugh, "He's the man… I hope he's still my best friend!"
As for how much of the original version of Quixote can be used for this new production, the helmer believes that there's little chance of actual footage being recycled from that shoot.
"We have to start anew," Gilliam confirmed. "We have to throw it all away. We do have things like costumes stored away. There's some work that's been done, but everything we shot is gone. It's such a dangerous thing, because the documentary was so good and people have got so many images in their own head of what the film will be like. Their imagination may be better than what I produce, so who knows."
"Shall we play a game?"

Introversion Software (Darwinia) brings us a new title specifically built for the online world: DEFCON. Just released through Steam is a game in which you "play a General hidden deep within an underground bunker. Your mission is to successfully exterminate your enemy's civilian population whilst saving your own."
Points are awarded or lost depending on both the efficacy and thoroughness of your nuclear vendetta and the number of your own civilian deaths. In order to win you must wipe out the enemy population and simultaneously disable the enemy's ability to retaliate against you. This is an extremely difficult task since launching an attack on the enemy exposes the positions of your own Ground Silos, Subs and Bombers the moment they launch nuclear weapons, making you extremely vulnerable and exposed to a crushing counter-attack.
More here [X]

Friday, October 06, 2006
300 In HD
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Teaser Trailer for Park Chan-Wook's 'I'm A Cyborg, But That's O.K'.

The film is a departure from the director’s vengeance trilogy, and apparently in a big way – the story is about a girl who thinks she`s a combat cyborg and is put into a mental hospital. There she meets a fellow psychotic who thinks he can steal souls (and who apparently dresses like a bargain basement Frank the Bunny) and the two fall in love."
Cant wait! X)
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